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Japan details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Japan. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Japan as listed below.

Information about Japan

Japan is a country that is located in Asia Its capital is Tokyo and its inhabitants are Japanese. The population of Japan in 2012 amounted to 127,368,088 people. The surface of Japan is 377,915 km2.

Map of Japan

Japan cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Aichi+81562 +81562
Akita+81188 +81188
Amagasaki+816 +816
Chiba+81472 +81472
Chuoko+813 +813
Fuchu+81423 +81423
Fukuoka+8192 +8192
Gifu+81582 +81582
Hiroshima+8182 +8182
Kagoshima+81992 +81992
Kanagawa+8144 +8144
Kawasaki+8144 +8144
Kobe+8178 +8178
Kochi+81888 +81888
Kyoto+8175 +8175
Mitatoku Tokyo+813 +813
Miyazaki+81985 +81985
Nagasaki+81958 +81958
Nagoya+8152 +8152
Naha (Okinawa)+81988 +81988
Niigata+8125 +8125
Nishinomiya+81798 +81798
Okayama+81862 +81862
Osaka+816 +816
Saitamatan+8148 +8148
Sapporo+8111 +8111
Sasebo+81956 +81956
Sendai+8122 +8122
Tachikawa+81425 +81425
Takamatsu+81878 +81878
Tokyo+813 +813
Toyama+81764 +81764
Toyota+81565 +81565
Yokohama+8145 +8145

JPN : Japan translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code