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Venezuela details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Venezuela. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Venezuela as listed below.

Information about Venezuela

Venezuela is a country that is located in South America Its capital is Caracas and its inhabitants are Venezuelan(s). The population of Venezuela in 2012 amounted to 28,047,938 people. The surface of Venezuela is 912,050 km2.

Map of Venezuela

Venezuela cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Barcelona+5881 +5881
Barquisimeto+5851 +5851
Cabimas+5864 +5864
Caracas+582 +582
Cuidad Bolivar+5885 +5885
Coro+5868 +5868
Cumana+5893 +5893
Guanare+5857 +5857
Los Teques+5832 +5832
Maiquetia+5831 +5831
Maracaibo+5861 +5861
Maracay+5843 +5843
Maturin+5891 +5891
Merida+5874 +5874
Miranda+582 +582
Puerto Cabello+5842 +5842
Punto Fijo+5869 +5869
San Cristobal+5876 +5876
San Juan De Los Morros+5846 +5846
Valencia+5841 +5841

VEN : Venezuela translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code