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Taiwan details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Taiwan. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Taiwan as listed below.

Information about Taiwan

Taiwan is a country that is located in Asia Its capital is Taipei and its inhabitants are Taiwan. The population of Taiwan in 2012 amounted to 23,113,901 people. The surface of Taiwan is 35,980 km2.

Map of Taiwan

Taiwan cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Changhua+88647 +88647
Chiy-Yi+8865 +8865
Chungli+88634 +88634
Chunan+88636 +88636
Chunghsing-Hsintsun+88649 +88649
Fengyuan+8864 +8864
Hualien+88638 +88638
Huwei+88656 +88656
Ilan+88639 +88639
Kaohsiun+8867 +8867
Keelung+88632 +88632
Lotung+88639 +88639
Lukang+88647 +88647
Makung+8866 +8866
Miaoli+88637 +88637
Nantou+88649 +88649
Panchiao+8862 +8862
Pingtung+8868 +8868
Sunchung+8862 +8862
Taichung+8862 +8862
Tainan+8866 +8866
Taipei+8862 +8862
Taitung+88689 +88689
Taoyuan+88633 +88633
Tchou-Nan+88636 +88636
Wuchi+88646 +88646

TWN : Taiwan translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code