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Romania details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Romania. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Romania as listed below.

Information about Romania

Romania is a country that is located in Europe Its capital is Bucharest and its inhabitants are Romanian(s). The population of Romania in 2012 amounted to 21,848,504 people. The surface of Romania is 238,391 km2.

Map of Romania

Romania cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Alba-Iulia+4058 +4058
Arad+4057 +4057
Bacau+4034 +4034
Baia-Mare+4062 +4062
Bistrita Nasaud+4063 +4063
Botosani+4031 +4031
Braila+4039 +4039
Brasov+4068 +4068
Bucuresti+401 +401
Buzau+4038 +4038
Calarasi+4042 +4042
Cernavoda+4041 +4041
Chisineu Cris+40960 +40960
Cluj+4064 +4064
Cluj-Napoca+4064 +4064
Constanta+4041 +4041
Craiova+4051 +4051
Deva+4054 +4054
Drobeta Turnu-Severin+4052 +4052
Efarie+4041 +4041
Focsani+4037 +4037
Galati+4036 +4036
Giurgiu+4046 +4046
Iasi+4032 +4032
Lipova+4057 +4057
Marnaia+4041 +4041
Miercurea-Ciuc+4066 +4066
Odorheiu+4059 +4059
Oradea+4059 +4059
Orsova+4052 +4052
Piatra-Neamt+4033 +4033
Pitesti+4048 +4048
Ploiesti+4044 +4044
Radauti+4030 +4030
Ramnicu-Valcea+4050 +4050
Resita+4055 +4055
Satu-Mare+4061 +4061
Sfantu-Gheorgh+4067 +4067
Sibiu+4069 +4069
Sighisoara+4065 +4065
Slatina+4049 +4049
Slobozia+4043 +4043
Suceava+4030 +4030
Szatmar+40997 +40997
Targoviste+4045 +4045
Targu-Jiu+4053 +4053
Tirgu-Mures+4065 +4065
Timisoara+4056 +4056
Tulcea+4040 +4040
Turnu Magurele+4047 +4047
Vaslui+4035 +4035

ROU : Romania translated in other languages

Erreur : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
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