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Portugal details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Portugal. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Portugal as listed below.

Information about Portugal

Portugal is a country that is located in Europe Its capital is Lisbon and its inhabitants are Portuguese. The population of Portugal in 2012 amounted to 10,781,459 people. The surface of Portugal is 92,090 km2.

Map of Portugal

Portugal cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Almada+3511 +3511
Angra Aviero+35134 +35134
Barreiro+3511 +3511
Beja+35184 +35184
Braga+35153 +35153
Braganca+351273 +351273
Caldas Da Rainha+35162 +35162
Cascais+3511 +3511
Coimbra+35139 +35139
Cova da Picade+3511 +3511
Do Heroismo+35195 +35195
Estoril+3511 +3511
Evora+35166 +35166
Faro+35189 +35189
Figueira Da Foz+35133 +35133
Funchal+35190 +35190
Horta+35192 +35192
Lagos+35182 +35182
Lajes+35195 +35195
Leiria+35144 +35144
Lisbon+3511 +3511
Madalena+35192 +35192
Madeira Islands+35191 +35191
Montijo+3511 +3511
Nazare+35162 +35162
Oeiras+3511 +3511
Peniche+35162 +35162
Ponta Delgada+35196 +35196
Portela-Lrs+3511 +3511
Porto+3512 +3512
Porto Santo+35191 +35191
Riba de Ave+35152 +35152
Santa Cruz+35192 +35192
Santarem+35143 +35143
Setubal+35165 +35165
Sintra+3511 +3511
Velas+35195 +35195
Viana Do Castelo+35158 +35158
Villa Real+35159 +35159
Vita Do Porto+35196 +35196

PRT : Portugal translated in other languages

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