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Papua New Guinea details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Papua New Guinea. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Papua New Guinea as listed below.

Information about Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a country that is located in Oceania Its capital is Port Moresby and its inhabitants are Papua New Guinean(s). The population of Papua New Guinea in 2012 amounted to 6,310,129 people. The surface of Papua New Guinea is 462,840 km2.

Map of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
  Alotau / Daru / Kerema+67534 +67534
  Alotau / Daru / Kerema+67564 +67564
  Arawa / Rabaul+67595 +67595
  Arawa / Rabaul+67596 +67596
  Arawa / Rabaul+67597 +67597
  Arawa / Rabaul+67598 +67598
  Goroka+67570 +67570
  Goroka+67571 +67571
  Goroka+67572 +67572
  Goroka+67573 +67573
  Goroka+67574 +67574
  Lae / Manus+67547 +67547
  Lae and Manus / Morobe+67545 +67545
  Lae and Manus / Morobe+67546 +67546
  Lae and Manus / Morobe+67548 +67548
  Lae and Manus / Morobe+67549 +67549
  Madang / Wewak+67584 +67584
  Madang / Wewak+67585 +67585
  Madang / Wewak+67586 +67586
  Madang / Wewak+67587 +67587
  Mt. Hagen+67552 +67552
  Mt. Hagen+67553 +67553
  Mt. Hagen+67554 +67554
  Mt. Hagen+67555 +67555
  Mt. Hagen+67556 +67556
  Port Moresby+67530 +67530
  Port Moresby+67531 +67531
  Port Moresby+67532 +67532
  Port Moresby+67533 +67533
  Port Moresby+67535 +67535
  Port Moresby+67536 +67536
  Port Moresby+67537 +67537
  Port Moresby+67538 +67538
  Port Moresby+67539 +67539

PNG : Papua New Guinea translated in other languages

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