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Netherlands details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Netherlands. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Netherlands as listed below.

Information about Netherlands

Netherlands is a country that is located in Europe Its capital is Amsterdam and its inhabitants are Dutchman(men)/Dutchwoman(women). The population of Netherlands in 2012 amounted to 16,730,632 people. The surface of Netherlands is 41,543 km2.

Map of Netherlands

Netherlands cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Almere+3136 +3136
Amersfoort+3133 +3133
Amsterdam+3120 +3120
Apeldoorn+3155 +3155
Arnhem+3126 +3126
Breda+3176 +3176
de Meern+3130 +3130
Delft+3115 +3115
Den Bosch+3173 +3173
Denventer+31570 +31570
Deventer+31570 +31570
Dordrecht+3178 +3178
Ede+31318 +31318
Eindhoven+3140 +3140
Emmen+31591 +31591
Enschede+3153 +3153
Groningen+3150 +3150
Haarlem+3123 +3123
Heemstede+3123 +3123
Hillegersberg+3110 +3110
Hilversum+3135 +3135
Hoensbroek+3145 +3145
Hoofddorp+3123 +3123
Hoogkerk+3150 +3150
Hoogvliet+3110 +3110
Houten+3130 +3130
IJsselstein+3130 +3130
Leiden+3171 +3171
Maastricht+3143 +3143
Nieuwegein+3130 +3130
Nijmegen+3124 +3124
Oud Zuilen+3130 +3130
Philipsburg+31 +31
Rotterdam+3110 +3110
The Hague+3170 +3170
The Hague (Den Haag)+3170 +3170
Tilburg+3113 +3113
Utrecht+3130 +3130
Vught+3173 +3173
Zaandam+3175 +3175
Zeist+3130 +3130
Zoetermeer+3179 +3179

NLD : Netherlands translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code