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Mauritius details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Mauritius. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Mauritius as listed below.

Information about Mauritius

Mauritius is a country that is located in Africa Its capital is Port Louis and its inhabitants are Mauritian(s). The population of Mauritius in 2012 amounted to 1,313,095 people. The surface of Mauritius is 2,040 km2.

Map of Mauritius

Mauritius cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
  Agalega+230814 +230814
  Albion+230238 +230238
  Albion+230558 +230558
  Baie Du Cap+230521 +230521
  Baie Du Cap+230621 +230621
  Bambous+230452 +230452
  Bambous+230552 +230552
  Beau Bassin+230573 +230573
  Beau Bassin+230574 +230574
  Bel Air+230419 +230419
  Bel Air+230519 +230519
  Bel Ombre+230623 +230623
  Belle Mare+230415 +230415
  Belle Mare+230515 +230515
  Brisée Verdiére+230418 +230418
  Brisée Verdiére+230518 +230518
  Camp De Masque+230416 +230416
  Camp De Masque+230516 +230516
  Candos+230424 +230424
  Candos+230425 +230425
  Candos+230426 +230426
  Candos+230427 +230427
  Candos+230526 +230526
  Candos+230527 +230527
  Candos+230528 +230528
  Cap Malheureux+230262 +230262
  Cap Malheureux+230562 +230562
  Chemin Grenier+230522 +230522
  Chemin Grenier+230622 +230622
  Coromandel+230233 +230233
  Coromandel+230533 +230533
  Dagotiére+230581 +230581
  Dubreuil+230595 +230595
  Dubreuil+230665 +230665
  Flacq+230271 +230271
  Flacq+230401 +230401
  Flacq+230402 +230402
  Flacq+230413 +230413
  Flacq+230539 +230539
  Flic En Flac+230453 +230453
  Flic En Flac+230553 +230553
  Flic-En-Flac+230403 +230403
  Floreal+230586 +230586

MUS : Mauritius translated in other languages

Erreur : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Language Code Country translation Country code