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Maldives details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Maldives. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Maldives as listed below.

Information about Maldives

Maldives is a country that is located in Asia Its capital is Male and its inhabitants are Maldivian(s). The population of Maldives in 2012 amounted to 394,451 people. The surface of Maldives is 298 km2.

Map of Maldives

Maldives cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Alif Alif+960666 +960666
Alif Dhaalu+960668 +960668
Baa+960660 +960660
Dhaalu+960676 +960676
Faafu+960674 +960674
Gaafu Alifu+960682 +960682
Gaafu Dhaalu+960684 +960684
Gnaviyani+960686 +960686
Haa Alif+960650 +960650
Haa Dhaalu+960652 +960652
Hulumale'+960335 +960335
Kaafu+960664 +960664
Laamu+960680 +960680
Lhaviyani+960662 +960662
Male'+960331 +960331
Male'+960332 +960332
Male'+960333 +960333
Male'+960334 +960334
Meemu+960672 +960672
Noonu+960656 +960656
Raa+960658 +960658
Seenu+960688 +960688
Seenu+960689 +960689
Shaviyani+960654 +960654
Thaa+960678 +960678
Vaavu+960670 +960670
Villingili+960339 +960339

MDV : Maldives translated in other languages

Erreur : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Language Code Country translation Country code