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Latvia details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Latvia. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Latvia as listed below.

Information about Latvia

Latvia is a country that is located in Europe Its capital is Riga and its inhabitants are Latvian(s). The population of Latvia in 2012 amounted to 2,191,580 people. The surface of Latvia is 64,589 km2.

Map of Latvia

Latvia cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Aizkraukle+37151 +37151
Aluksne+37143 +37143
Balvi+37145 +37145
Bauska+37139 +37139
Cesis+37141 +37141
Daugavpils+37154 +37154
Dobele+37137 +37137
Gulbene+37144 +37144
Jekabpils+37152 +37152
Jelgava+37130 +37130
Kraslava+37156 +37156
Kuldiga+37133 +37133
Liepaja+37134 +37134
Limbazi+37140 +37140
Ludza+37157 +37157
Madona+37148 +37148
Ogre+37150 +37150
Preili+37153 +37153
Rezekne+37146 +37146
Riga+3716 +3716
Saldus+37138 +37138
Talsi+37132 +37132
Tukums+37131 +37131
Valka+37147 +37147
Valmiera+37142 +37142
Ventspils+37136 +37136

LVA : Latvia translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code