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Kiribati details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Kiribati. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Kiribati as listed below.

Information about Kiribati

Kiribati is a country that is located in Oceania Its capital is Tarawa and its inhabitants are I-Kiribati. The population of Kiribati in 2012 amounted to 101,998 people. The surface of Kiribati is 811 km2.

Map of Kiribati

Kiribati cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Abaiang+68633 +68633
Abemama+68641 +68641
Aranuka+68640 +68640
Arorae+68649 +68649
Banaba+68637 +68637
Beru+68646 +68646
Butaritari+68635 +68635
Fanning (Tabuaeran)+68683 +68683
Kanton+68685 +68685
Kiritimati+686 +686
Kuria+68639 +68639
Maiana+68638 +68638
Makin+68636 +68636
Marakei+68634 +68634
Nikunau+68647 +68647
Nonouti+68642 +68642
Onotoa+68645 +68645
Rawaki+686 +686
Tabiteuea North+68643 +68643
Tabiteuea South+68644 +68644
Tamana+68648 +68648
Tarawa+686 +686
Washington (Teraina)+68684 +68684

KIR : Kiribati translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code