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Ireland details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Ireland. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Ireland as listed below.

Information about Ireland

Ireland is a country that is located in Europe Its capital is Dublin and its inhabitants are Irishman(men)/Irishwoman(women)/Irish. The population of Ireland in 2012 amounted to 4,722,028 people. The surface of Ireland is 70,273 km2.

Map of Ireland

Ireland cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Arklow+353402 +353402
Cork+35321 +35321
Dingle+35366 +35366
Donegal+35373 +35373
Drogheda+35341 +35341
Dublin+3531 +3531
Dundalk+35342 +35342
Ennis+35365 +35365
Galway+35391 +35391
Kildare+35345 +35345
Kilkenny+35356 +35356
Killarney+35364 +35364
Limerick+35361 +35361
Sligo+35371 +35371
Tipperary+35362 +35362
Tralee+35365 +35365
Tullamore+353506 +353506
Waterford+35351 +35351

IRL : Ireland translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code