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India details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to India. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of India as listed below.

Information about India

India is a country that is located in Asia Its capital is New Delhi and its inhabitants are Indian(s). The population of India in 2012 amounted to 1,205,073,612 people. The surface of India is 3,287,263 km2.

Map of India

India cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Agra+91562 +91562
Ahmedabad+9179 +9179
Ajmer+91145 +91145
Alwar+91144 +91144
Amritsar+91183 +91183
Aurangabad+912432 +912432
Bangalore+9180 +9180
Barmer+912982 +912982
Baroda+91265 +91265
Beawar+911462 +911462
Bharatpur+915644 +915644
Bhilwara+911482 +911482
Bhopal+91755 +91755
Bikaner+91151 +91151
Bundi+91747 +91747
Chandigarh+91172 +91172
Chennai (formerly Madras)+9144 +9144
Chittorgarh+918572 +918572
Coimbator+91422 +91422
Dehradun+91135 +91135
Delhi+9111 +9111
Deogarh+916432 +916432
Dholpur+915642 +915642
Fathepur Sikri+915619 +915619
Hyderabad+9140 +9140
Jaipur+91141 +91141
Jullundur+91181 +91181
Kanpur+91512 +91512
Kolkatta (formerly Calcutta)+9133 +9133
Kota+91744 +91744
Lucknow+91522 +91522
Manipal+918252 +918252
Mount Abu+912974 +912974
Mumbai (formerly Bombay )+9122 +9122
Mussooree+911362 +911362
Mysore+91821 +91821
Nagaur+911582 +911582
New Delhi+9111 +9111
Patna+91612 +91612
Pune (formerly Poona)+9120 +9120
Pushkar+91145 +91145
Rajkot+91281 +91281
Ranthambhore Natl. Park+917462 +917462
Sariska+91144 +91144
Simla+91177 +91177
Srinagar+91194 +91194
Surat+91261 +91261
Udaipur+91294 +91294
Vadodara+91265 +91265

IND : India translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code