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Hungary details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Hungary. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Hungary as listed below.

Information about Hungary

Hungary is a country that is located in Europe Its capital is Budapest and its inhabitants are Hungarian(s). The population of Hungary in 2012 amounted to 9,958,453 people. The surface of Hungary is 93,028 km2.

Map of Hungary

Hungary cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Abasar+3637 +3637
Baja+3679 +3679
Balassagyarmat+3635 +3635
Balatonaliga+3684 +3684
Békéscsaba+3666 +3666
Berettyóújfalu+3654 +3654
Biatorbágy+3623 +3623
Budapest+361 +361
Budapest/lorinc+361 +361
Cegléd+3653 +3653
Debrecen+3652 +3652
Dorgicse+3680 +3680
Dunaújváros+3625 +3625
Dunaújvárosi+3625 +3625
Eger+3636 +3636
Esztergom+3633 +3633
Fertoboz+3699 +3699
Gödöllo+3628 +3628
Gyöngyös+3637 +3637
Györ+3696 +3696
Jászberény+3657 +3657
Kaposvár+3682 +3682
Karcag+3659 +3659
Kazincbarcika+3648 +3648
Kecskemét+3676 +3676
Keszthely+3683 +3683
Kiskorös+3678 +3678
Kiskunhalas+3677 +3677
Kisvárda+3645 +3645
Komlo+3672 +3672
Marcali+3685 +3685
Mátészalka+3644 +3644
Mezokövesd+3649 +3649
Miskolc+3646 +3646
Mohács+3669 +3669
Monor+3629 +3629
Nagykanizsa+3693 +3693
Nyíregyháza+3642 +3642
Orosháza+3668 +3668
Ózd+3648 +3648
Paks+3675 +3675
Pápa+3689 +3689
Pécs+3672 +3672
Pecsvarad+3672 +3672
Salgótarján+3632 +3632
Sárvár+3695 +3695
Siófok+3684 +3684
Sopron+3699 +3699
Szeged+3662 +3662
Székesfehérvár+3622 +3622
Szekszárd+3674 +3674
Szentendre+3626 +3626
Szentes+3663 +3663
Szerencs+3647 +3647
Szigetszentmiklós+3624 +3624
Szigetvár+3673 +3673
Szolnok+3656 +3656
Szombathely+3694 +3694
Tapolca+3687 +3687
Tatabánya+3634 +3634
Vác+3627 +3627
Vacs+3627 +3627
Veszprém+3688 +3688
Zalaegerszeg+3692 +3692

HUN : Hungary translated in other languages

Erreur : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Language Code Country translation Country code