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Egypt details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Egypt. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Egypt as listed below.

Information about Egypt

Egypt is a country that is located in Africa Its capital is Cairo and its inhabitants are Egyptian(s). The population of Egypt in 2012 amounted to 83,688,164 people. The surface of Egypt is 1,001,450 km2.

Map of Egypt

Egypt cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Alexandria+203 +203
Aswan+2097 +2097
Asyut+2088 +2088
Benhas+2013 +2013
Caire+202 +202
Damanhour+2045 +2045
El Mahallah+2043 +2043
El Mansoura+2050 +2050
Luxor+2095 +2095
Mahalah El Kobra+2043 +2043
Oena+2096 +2096
Port Said+2066 +2066
Shebin El Kom+2048 +2048
Sohag+2093 +2093
Suez+2062 +2062

EGY : Egypt translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code