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Cambodia details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Cambodia. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Cambodia as listed below.

Information about Cambodia

Cambodia is a country that is located in Asia Its capital is Phnom Penh and its inhabitants are Cambodian(s). The population of Cambodia in 2012 amounted to 14,952,665 people. The surface of Cambodia is 181,035 km2.

Map of Cambodia

Cambodia cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Banteay Meanchey+85554 +85554
Battambong+85553 +85553
Kampong Cham+85542 +85542
Kampong Chhnang+85526 +85526
Kampong Speu+85525 +85525
Kampong Thom+85562 +85562
Kampot+85533 +85533
Kandal+85524 +85524
Kep+85536 +85536
Koh Kong+85535 +85535
Kratie+85572 +85572
Modolkiri+85573 +85573
Neak Loeng+85543 +85543
Pailin+85555 +85555
Phnom Penh+85523 +85523
Preah Vihear+85564 +85564
Pursat+85552 +85552
Ratanakiri+85575 +85575
Siem Reap+85563 +85563
Sihanouk Ville+85534 +85534
Stung Treng+85574 +85574
Svay Rieng+85544 +85544
Takeo+85532 +85532
Udar Meanchey+85565 +85565

KHM : Cambodia translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code