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Argentina details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Argentina. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Argentina as listed below.

Information about Argentina

Argentina is a country that is located in South America Its capital is Buenos Aires and its inhabitants are Argentine(s). The population of Argentina in 2012 amounted to 42,192,494 people. The surface of Argentina is 2,780,400 km2.

Map of Argentina

Argentina cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Bahía Blanca+54291 +54291
Buenos Aires+5411 +5411
Comodoro Rivadavia+54297 +54297
Concordia+54345 +54345
Córdoba+54351 +54351
Corrientes+543783 +543783
Formosa+543717 +543717
Jesús María+543525 +543525
Junín+542362 +542362
La Plata+54221 +54221
La Rioja+543822 +543822
Mar del Plata+54223 +54223
Mendoza+54261 +54261
Mercedes+542324 +542324
Neuquén+54299 +54299
Paraná+54343 +54343
Posadas+543752 +543752
Resistencia+543722 +543722
Río Cuarto+54358 +54358
Río Gallegos+542966 +542966
Rosario+54341 +54341
Salta+54387 +54387
San Francisco+54628 +54628
San Juan+54264 +54264
San Luis+542652 +542652
San Martín+54408 +54408
San Nicolás de los Arroyos+543461 +543461
San Pedro+54424 +54424
San Rafael+542627 +542627
Santa Fe+54342 +54342
Santa Rosa+542954 +542954
Santiago del Estero+54385 +54385
Santo Tomé+543756 +543756
Tandil+542293 +542293
Trelew/Rawson+542965 +542965
Ushuaia+542901 +542901
Viedma+542920 +542920
Zárate+543487 +543487

ARG : Argentina translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code